Course material can be found online at:
Michael Richmond
Office: Science Building 4, 1619
Second office: Science Building 2, C1039
Monday 16:50 - 18:35 Science Building 2, C1043 Tuesday 10:25 - 12:10 Science Building 2, C1043
Please bring calculator, pen, paper and some sort of device which can access the Internet (laptop or smartphone) to class with you each day. I will ask students to look for information and perform calculations as part of the class meeting.
On the first class meeting, you will need to make a name-card for yourself. Please hand in the card to the instructor at the end of the class.
You are welcome to visit my office to talk about the class, or homework, or interesting news in astronomy, or Persona 5 and other video games, at any time.
You may make an appointment by E-mail, or just visit.
Homework problems must be written or printed onto paper and given to the instructor by the assigned due date. You are welcome to work together on the problems, but you must write all the steps yourself on the papers you submit.
Answers to the homework problems will appear after the due date. Because the answers will be visible to everyone at that time, we will accept no late homework.
30 percent in-class quizzes and discussion 40 percent homework 30 percent final project ----------- 100 percent
If you know in advance that you will have to miss an assignment, please contact the instructor.
This page maintained by Michael Richmond. Last modified Sep 12, 2016.