Notes from Independent Study Meeting Jan 27, 2022 Present: Richmond, Dayal - Dayal shows results of investigation of timestep if timestep too small, simulation takes a long time to run output file is too large if timestep too large, energy changes by a lot (more than a few percent) Earth leaves its orbit simulation is invalid - MWR suggests computing these quantities: current total energy - orig total energy fractional change in energy = ---------------------------------------- orig total energy absolute value of (fractional change in energy) - Dayal shows graphs of x pos vs. timestep y pos vs. timestep y pos vs. x pos (shows circle of Earth around Sun) - goals for next meeting (Mon, Jan 31): 1) figure out how to make graph have same scale on X and Y axes so circular orbit looks like a circle 2) try running a 200-year simulation of Earth around Sun what is a good range of timesteps? 3) create a copy of simulation code replace Earth with "stupid sail" do NOT include any pressure from sunlight run for 2 years what happens to sail?