Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Manpage of INTRO intro - introduction to XVista commands  


image arithmetic
add                 add images 
sub                 subtract images
mul                 multiply images
div                 divide images
addvec              add a 1-D vector to a 2-D image
subvec              subtract a 1-D vector from a 2-D image
mulvec              multiply a 2-D image by a 1-D vector
divvec              divide a 2-D image by a 1-D vector

data display
tv                  display grey scale image on screen
cursor              displays data values at cursor position 
marks               displays cross hairs on a image
pfits               prints out image data on the screen 

image marking
box                 defines a rectangular image subsection 
circle              defines a circular image subsection 

image statistics
abx                 calculates miscellaneous statistics 
axes                calculates centroid of images 
hist                computes histograms 
mn                  computes mean of images 
profile             makes a circular profile around a centroid 
sky                 computes sky level 

back                fits low-order polynomial to image and subtracts it
bin                 squashes an image 
clip                replaces pixels outside a specified intensity range 
flip                changes orientation of image 
imshift             shifts image in rows and columns 
makevec             creates a 1-D vector from a 2-D image
mash                generates spectra from image files into ASCII file 
median              creates median frame from several images 
ring                convolve images with a user-supplied kernal
rotate              rotates images      
rowcol              cuts rows or columns from data into an ASCII file 
sbig2fits           convert an SBIG "uncompressed" image to FITS format
smooth              convolves images with one of several standard functions
window              cuts down images 

header manipulation
buffers             displays the FITS header variables 
comment             enters in comments into the FITS header 

convert             convert bitmaps into FITS-format files 
impatch             replaces pixel values in an image 
implant             inserts an image into another image (montage) 
xlet                sets and inspect variables 
makeim              converts ascii to FITS-format files  
propinit            initializes X window properties
pstar               generates artificial star images 
xplot               plot program for columnar data

stars               finds stars in an image 
phot                performs aperture photometry 
mask                creates a file describing defects in the image

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.