We want f = 261.6 Hz = 261.6 cycles/s The wire has length L = 1.00 meter diameter d = 0.001 meter density rho = 7800 kg/meter^3 The desired angular frequency is omega = 2 pi f = 1644 rad/s The mass density of the wire is mu = pi (d/2)^2 rho = 0.00613 kg/meter The speed of the wave along the wire must be v = lambda * f = (2 m) * (261.6 cycles/s) = 523.2 meter/s So we can determine the required tension T in the wire via T --- = v^2 mu T = mu * v^2 = (0.00613 kg/m) * (523.2 m/s) = 1678 N = 378 lb That's a lot of force, and this is just one wire, out of (at least) 88 for a full piano. There is a reason that "plate" which holds the strings in a piano is usually made of iron.