Question 1:
The depth of the ocean is sometimes measured in fathoms: 1 fathom = 6 feet. Distance on the surface of the ocean is often measured in nautical miles: 1 nautical mile = 6076 feet.
One particular portion of the ocean is a rectangle 1.20 nautical miles by 2.60 nautical miles. It has a depth of 16 fathoms.
What is the volume of water beneath this area? Express your answer in cubic feet.
Answer: volume = (area on top) * (depth) Now, the area on top is 1.2 x 2.6 nautical miles, but we need to convert to feet: 6076 feet 1.20 nautical miles * ----------- = 7,290 feet 1 naut mile 6076 feet 2.60 nautical miles * ----------- = 15,800 feet 1 naut mile where I've kept only 3 significant digits in the number of feet, since there are only 3 significant digits in the number of nautical miles. The depth of this region is 6 feet 16 fathoms * --------- = 96 feet fathom So the volume of the region is volume = (area on top) * (depth) = (7,290 feet) * (15,800 feet) * (96 feet) = 1.11 x 10^10 cubic feet
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