Course material can be found online:
Michael Richmond
Science Building 1, Office 1111
Monday 10:25 - 12:10 Oct 7, 21, 28, Nov 18, 25 Wednesday 10:25 - 12:10 Oct 16, Nov 13
You are welcome to visit my office to talk about the class, or homework, or interesting news in astronomy, or video games, or anything else you like. You may make an appointment by E-mail, or just visit the office.
Homework problems may be printed on paper or written in PDF format, and given to the instructor by the assigned due date. You are welcome to work together on the problems, but you must write all the steps yourself on the work you submit.
Answers to the homework problems will appear after the due date. Because the answers will be visible to everyone at that time, I will accept no late homework.
30 percent in-class quizzes 60 percent homework 10 percent final poster (optional) ----------- 100 percent
Note that it is necessary for students to submit a poster in order to earn an "A" for the course. Students who choose not to create a poster may still pass the class.
If you know in advance that you will have to miss an assignment, please contact the instructors.
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.